Leverage Finder's Fees Online
The Key To Being A Great Finder or Referrer?
Provide High Value Information For Both Parties
The "finder's fee" is a time-proven business practice. From the ancient days of Rome to modern-day Hollywood (and all kinds of business), the right intermediary in the right place at the right time can make hundreds of thousands of dollars.
It's very possible to earn significant "referral income" through a properly built, information rich "intermediary" site. Deliver information about in-demand topics related to a theme that is, in turn, related to the business activities of others.
(Note: We will use "finder's fee" and "referral income" interchangeably during this discussion.)
Add Unique Value
So what is the secret to becoming the needed intermediary in any deal, no matter how big or small? Deliver to each party what the other does not have.
Add the unique value that connects the searcher to the business person.
Folks search for information and/or solutions online. Meet them with the info they're looking for and point them to the solution they need, one where you've pre-arranged a finder's fee agreement with the solution provider.
The Info "Gap" Between Searchers And Businesses
Opens Powerful Opportunities
For example, suppose you know a lot about the Caribbean island of Anguilla. There are so many local businesses (ex., real estate agents, rental car companies, villas & hotels, boat charters) who do not have the time or inclination to do what you can do...
Use a natural, powerful process, C T
M, to build a wonderful, passion-driven site with content that Web surfers will find when searching for Anguilla-related words at the search engines.
How Does That Make You The Key Intermediary?
It's not nearly as complicated as it may sound. Let's trace the steps of how to make yourself an indispensable part of getting business done...
- Your theme-based content attracts high volumes of targeted visitors (i.e., potential customers).
- Your site's content credentializes you in the eyes of your prospective new customers.
- Your e-zine (electronic newsletter) builds more and more trust.
- You recommend a business or service.
- You get paid for the lead or sale that results.
Why is your traffic so targeted? Because your visitors were specifically searching for "Anguilla" or "Anguilla villas" and so forth. So they arrive at your site already interested. And then, your valuable, original information PREsells, earning their trust and respect.
That puts you in the driver's seat.
Bottom Line? Loads Of Valuable Leads!
There is an excellent chance that many of those PREsold visitors will be in the market for the related business(es) that you recommend (ex., best hotels to stay at, how to buy real estate, etc.).
Naturally, you research and verify which businesses provide excellent products and/or services. That's all part of the value-added service included in your recommendations. And, of course, your reputation is on the line. If you make bad recommendations, you jeopardize your credibility.
Once you have traffic coming in and your visitors are PREsold, connect the dots. Match the searcher who is looking for product or service with the business owner who provides it.
How Do You Get Paid?
Depending on the nature of your Web site, this model you can earn income in many ways...
- pay-per-sale commission -- you earn a commission for each sale
- pay-per-sale profit -- you earn a profit if you structure this as a resale
- pay-per-lead -- you make a fee for each person who sends an inquiry
- pay-per-click -- each click to a company's Web site generates income
- pay-per-month -- a straight monthly fee
SBI! shows you how (and when) to accomplish each of these. However you collect, the key is to generate revenue from your niche-oriented content by putting yourself in the middle.
And you can add many additional monetization methods, as we'll see in just a moment.
A Real World Example
Let's continue with Anguilla...
This is a real-life example started by a teenage girl (now in her 20s) who runs anguilla-beaches.com, a successful SBI! site. She creates excellent content about her favorite Caribbean island.
The site explores her family's top spots and takes visitors on adventures, all from the unique through-the-eyes perspective of a teenager-turned-20-something. She has built a tremendous following over the years too.
She earns most of her income through referrals, supplemented by Google advertising, affiliate programs and sale of a few products. And her referral system is very simple...
She uses Form Build It! (part of SBI!'s comprehensive suite of tools) to create a variety of customized forms inviting visitors to contact several local businesses.
For example, here is an income-earning page that refers visitors to the family's trusted real estate agent (note, too, the Google ads on this page... a second monetization method on the same page!).
As a result of these referrals, she has earned thousands of dollars from villa sales and rentals. She generates substantial extra income by referring visitors for car rentals, boat charters, inns and so forth.
Now... Put Yourself In The Middle
The majority of small businesses are still offline... tens of millions of thriving local businesses. If they have a Web site, they're most likely not getting much traffic. They would be delighted to pay you for targeted referrals... for your traffic!
Combining SBI!'s targeted traffic and Form Build It! is a powerful way to build referral income, also known as finder's fees. And remember... since you own your traffic, you remain in control. And you can add other sources of monetization to diversify and grow your revenues.
Put Targeted Buyers & Sellers Together
Retain Control With Your Own Traffic
Your evergrowing, targeted-niche traffic has great value for quality merchants who don't have your "reach" or your "clout" with an Internet audience. And, on the other hand, your visitors and subscribers value your opinions and recommendations.
It's a simple matter of putting the two together and making referral fee arrangements... everyone wins. SBI! brings the traditional "finder's fee" online into a lucrative and viable business model.
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